November 22, 2013

Maldonado Family Maternity (Part 2)

The whole family came out for this one! I can't get over just how AMAZING these two look together! Can't forget Big Brother Troy too! He was such a good boy, kept up with us the whole time, up until the last shot which is one of my faves by the way. 

We even had our own background music at one point, with a guitarist playing on a near by bench, the sun rays were shining through, everything was just perfect! I really can't wait to see the handsome little guy these two are going to have! I won't be surprised if he decides to come early!! 

Don't forget to check out the Maldonado Maternity Session (Part 1) right after this post! There are even more amazing pictures of Isabel!!

Isabel Maternity (Part 1)

Beautiful! I can't say that word enough! I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by such a diverse group of people in my life. People from different countries, cultures and creeds; which has awaken me to the beauty our world has to offer us. My dear Isabel amazed me, I'm lucky I had a reason I could just stare at her otherwise she might have been creeped out. I can still hear her say "Stop it, you're just trying to make me smile" as a response to my every "Oh My Gosh Isabel, you are so Beautiful!" Every little detail from her hair, to her clothes, to the scenery behind her; she stood out and that's what Beauty does it stands out.

This little baby has a beautiful mama, she was more than just glowing she was beaming! Then I caught her smizing (smiling with her eyes) at her man who was right there with us, Amazing pictures for sure!

Don't forget to check out my Pinterest Inspiration Board for this Photo Shoot: 

November 1, 2013

Rock The Shot Photo Challenge

So I'm entering my first photo challenge and I couldn't have picked a better challenge that combined more of the hardest elements of photography! 


The Challenge: "This month, get creative, think outside the box and capture an amazing 'HALLOWEEN COSTUME' image. Your submission this month must have someone dressed in a Halloween costume, there are no other requirements." Easy right?

So ever since I saw the challenge I had been thinking of what I could do. I decided to wait until actual Halloween night, Gamble #1. Night time is my most feared time to take pictures, long exposure times, no light, blurry images, the list goes on! Not to mention nothing stops on that night, Gamble #2, everyone is moving from house to house there's no portrait sittings here, so once again blurry images combined with not enough light. What have I gotten myself into?

In my head I had the perfect image, My daughter would be standing in the middle of the street, in the neighborhood, looking into her candy bag, perfectly still and in focus. While everyone else moved around her, causing their images to be blurry and in motion, and the lighting would be perfect too. Now to only get that shot, somehow. Of course I was open to the unexpected too.

So after a night in the neighborhood, here are the 3 shots I loved the most:


"Pirate in the Night"

"A Bat!"

However, the picture I'm submitting for Rock The Shot is actually the first picture I took that night.

"Door Number One"
I just love how this one turned out!

What I've learned the most from this night is: 
First never try telling your kid to stand still when there is free candy around!
Always be on the look out,
Never stop shooting,
Just because its not in focus doesn't mean its a bad picture

Check out the other photo submissions on ROCK THE SHOT's website, here's the link below:

Or just visit their website

They'll announce the contest winners November 7th I'll be sure to let you all know how it turned out!