November 22, 2013

Maldonado Family Maternity (Part 2)

The whole family came out for this one! I can't get over just how AMAZING these two look together! Can't forget Big Brother Troy too! He was such a good boy, kept up with us the whole time, up until the last shot which is one of my faves by the way. 

We even had our own background music at one point, with a guitarist playing on a near by bench, the sun rays were shining through, everything was just perfect! I really can't wait to see the handsome little guy these two are going to have! I won't be surprised if he decides to come early!! 

Don't forget to check out the Maldonado Maternity Session (Part 1) right after this post! There are even more amazing pictures of Isabel!!

Isabel Maternity (Part 1)

Beautiful! I can't say that word enough! I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by such a diverse group of people in my life. People from different countries, cultures and creeds; which has awaken me to the beauty our world has to offer us. My dear Isabel amazed me, I'm lucky I had a reason I could just stare at her otherwise she might have been creeped out. I can still hear her say "Stop it, you're just trying to make me smile" as a response to my every "Oh My Gosh Isabel, you are so Beautiful!" Every little detail from her hair, to her clothes, to the scenery behind her; she stood out and that's what Beauty does it stands out.

This little baby has a beautiful mama, she was more than just glowing she was beaming! Then I caught her smizing (smiling with her eyes) at her man who was right there with us, Amazing pictures for sure!

Don't forget to check out my Pinterest Inspiration Board for this Photo Shoot: 

November 1, 2013

Rock The Shot Photo Challenge

So I'm entering my first photo challenge and I couldn't have picked a better challenge that combined more of the hardest elements of photography! 


The Challenge: "This month, get creative, think outside the box and capture an amazing 'HALLOWEEN COSTUME' image. Your submission this month must have someone dressed in a Halloween costume, there are no other requirements." Easy right?

So ever since I saw the challenge I had been thinking of what I could do. I decided to wait until actual Halloween night, Gamble #1. Night time is my most feared time to take pictures, long exposure times, no light, blurry images, the list goes on! Not to mention nothing stops on that night, Gamble #2, everyone is moving from house to house there's no portrait sittings here, so once again blurry images combined with not enough light. What have I gotten myself into?

In my head I had the perfect image, My daughter would be standing in the middle of the street, in the neighborhood, looking into her candy bag, perfectly still and in focus. While everyone else moved around her, causing their images to be blurry and in motion, and the lighting would be perfect too. Now to only get that shot, somehow. Of course I was open to the unexpected too.

So after a night in the neighborhood, here are the 3 shots I loved the most:


"Pirate in the Night"

"A Bat!"

However, the picture I'm submitting for Rock The Shot is actually the first picture I took that night.

"Door Number One"
I just love how this one turned out!

What I've learned the most from this night is: 
First never try telling your kid to stand still when there is free candy around!
Always be on the look out,
Never stop shooting,
Just because its not in focus doesn't mean its a bad picture

Check out the other photo submissions on ROCK THE SHOT's website, here's the link below:

Or just visit their website

They'll announce the contest winners November 7th I'll be sure to let you all know how it turned out!

October 21, 2013

love, Love, LOVE! (Staropoli Wedding)

This past weekend I had the great honor of attending my cousin's Wedding. It was stunning!

Weddings for most photographers are picture perfect dreams! There's so much beauty in every detail and love is bursting so much that you don't even need to pose anyone to get a great shot, you just follow along and every picture will hold a special moment!

Now this is the first wedding I've been to since starting down the path of photography and of course I brought my camera, who could resist? I wasn't alone there were at least 4 other DSLR cameras casing the place. While watching their actual photographer I thought "can I ever get to that level?" As much as I love weddings there are no do overs for photographers. (Although I do remember one wedding I was in where the photographer made us all basically go through the whole wedding again to take pictures, that was crazy) There is so much responsibility, moments to capture and little details around every corner, putting a lot of trust into the hands of the person chosen to record the memories.

Their photographer Tiffany Snell did a wonderful job, she made it look easy. She was always at the right spot at the right moment and every time a picture thought would pop up in my head, I would see her with the camera and think "YES"! Then there were other moments I hadn't thought of, that I'm sure turned out striking and was wishing I could see the picture. I definitely was inspired watching her.

You can check out Tiffany's Website by clicking here: Forever Moments Photography

I also have to mention these pictures had an amazing designer behind them as well! Everything from the mason jar drinking glasses to the 'Smore Love' take home favors, it was all top notch! Ashley Boddorf did an awesome job, so if you're ever in need of an Event Planner she's great!

You can check out Ashley's blog here: Simply Smashing Designs

Of course I couldn't resist I took a few pictures myself too, what kind of photographer would I be if I didn't? So here are a few of mine, followed by Forever Moments Photography, the last picture by Tiffany is my personal favorite!

Without further ado here's some of the pictures from
Forever Moments Photography

Here's the link to all her photos at the wedding on her Facebook Page:
Forever Moments Photography By Tiffany Snell, Album: Staropoli Wedding

Don't forget to 'Like' her page!

I just love, Love, LOVE this picture! Definitely the Best!

October 13, 2013

It's Raining Babies!

Pictures of people and families are just a part of a bigger life, there are moments lived out everyday. One of my favorites is BABY SHOWERS! The love for a life that hasn't been welcomed into the world yet is so amazing! No matter if it's the first baby or second or sixth, Love just keeps growing!

I just returned home from a BOY baby shower, it's been raining girls for a while around here. There's nothing like getting together with others to share in the joy and love we all have for this new life coming! Not only that, but there's always the BEST food at Baby Showers, just looking back I can always remember the food being sooo good, maybe those prego-cravings have something to do with it.

Here is the latest baby shower and a few other special ones too, it definitely has been raining babies recently!

Baby Maldonado

This one was definitely DINO-Mite! So many people coming together for this little guy, the place full of happiness and loved by all.

Baby Garcia 

Great food, good company and a cherished baby on the way to top it all off. Love was running-over so much that I'm surprised she didn't make her debut earlier!

Baby Mason

Better than Breakfast in bed, is Breakfast with family and friends! So homey and warm, I remember just feeling how special this moment was, everyone together, you can't ask for anything more. 

Baby Mason

Blessed and treasured, an outpouring of love showed up bringing laughter and love like none other.

September 30, 2013

Mason Family

There was their First Pregnancy, At The Hospital, Family At Christmas, Second Pregnancy and NOW Their Family Today. I'm honored to capture them at the various stages of their lives. I've known them for over 8 years hand have been blessed to see them not only at these moments but between the photographs too. It's only fitting that I showcase them in my first official photo shoot!

I do have to say I received a photo surprise in one of these pictures, their oldest daughter is full of energy and sometimes to get a nice smiling posed picture I bribe her with silly pictures in between. I know if I let her be silly for a while, she'll give me a nice smile afterwards. However, I wasn't expecting their youngest to also get in on the silliness and what was intended for getting smiles, definitely made me smile. It wasn't until I was reviewing the pictures that I found this gem, the whole family being silly in a beautiful way! (Picture number 4 below)

This won't be the last time you see their faces here I'm sure! Can't wait for what's next!

Don't forget to check out my Pintrest Inspiration Board for this Photo Shoot: 

September 25, 2013

Just Do It

Now is the time!

I've been putting it off for too long but NO MORE! I've started a blog... I have Facebook to connect with people, joined Pinterest for ideas, a soon to be website to show who I am and now here it is my first blog to let you know what's going on!

It's only fitting that since this is Blog #1 I give you a history lesson of my life starting at day one, when I was born, and telling you everything that has happened until today. That's what you're supposed to do on blogs right? Just Kidding! How about I just give you a snapshot; I came into the world kicking and screaming, grew up in the rocky mountains, graduated High School in the city, visited various countries before moving to Brazil, Married the one my heart loves, came back to the states to have my baby girl, work, work, work, had my second baby girl which got me out of my rut and here I am trying to start something new!

As if taking care of a family isn't enough for me to do, I have come to a point where its time to branch out. Some of you may know but I've kept it a secret for a long time, I love photography!! I remember my first photo shoot with my lime green camera, I took my friend and her siblings to a park down the street, posed them and took pictures, ON FILM *gasp*. Then put that little roll into an envelope to be sent off and developed, oh the good 'ol days, I've been hooked ever since. Then life got better!! I received my first digital camera from my grandparents, I still remember going into SEARS and thinking I don't have to wait to see the pictures any more and I can take hundreds not just 36.

The beauty in pictures, I feel, isn't from me taking the picture, it was there all along, I'm just captuing what everyone else already sees. Maybe in this fast paced world we live in we forget to slowdown and really look at the beauty around us in people, families, children, nature. At a photo shoot time seems to stop, there is no TV, no phone, nothing for us to focus on but the moment we are in and that brings out the beauty that I love to capture in photographs!

So I'm ready for this new beginning! I've got my kit ready! Now is definitely the time!